Khal Salem
Title: Clinical and economic burden of congestive heart failure in a non-North American country
Biography: Khal Salem
The two components of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years of life lost (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD), are underutilized in evaluating heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and global burden of diseases (GBD),. We aimed to describe both direct (medical) and indirect (morbidity and mortality) cost of CHF in high-income non-OECD Middle Eastern countries in relation to YLL and YLD.We used the World Health Organization GBD methodology to calculate DALYs, YLL, and YLD in 174 prospectively enrolled patients in a single centre heart failure registry using 0.4 disability weight (DW) and 3% future age discounts. We reported the cost of hospitalization, re-hospitalization, and non-invasive and invasive procedures per 1,000 HFrEF patients in US dollars.Expressing results as per 1,000 HErEF capita revealed DALYs of 1480 +/− 1909 vs. 2177 +/− 2547 (460, 3894) in females and males, respectively.The costs per HFrEF capita in US dollars (USD) were $909.00 +/− 676.1 for a single day hospital stay, $7,999 per single hospitalization, $12311 +/− 13840 for annual hospitalizations, $20486 +/− 22068 for all cause hospitalizations, and $37355 +/− 49336 from the time of diagnosis until death or recovery.In this study, HFrEF imposed a substantial economic and disability burden on the non-OECD non-North American Middle Eastern countries; however, males represented a higher economic burden than females.