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Rahul Hajare

Rahul Hajare

National AIDS Research Institute, India

Title: Common warts discharge among married male may be a critical determinant of immune dysfunction direct capture skin cancer


Biography: Rahul Hajare


Statement of the Problem: A medicine is knowledge in process. Researchers have reported that non-teaching men staffs with these experiences are more difficult to treat; many do not access treatment and those who do, frequently do not stay because of difficulty maintaining helping relationships. However, these men’s perspective has not been previously studied, particularly. The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of seeking help for alcohol dependency by men with and a history of chain alcohol dependency with other men the context in which it occurs. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: An inter subjective in-house study using hermeneutic dialogue was utilized during participant observation, in- depth and focus groups. Classically, as we define reactions to antigens, either environmental or foods, we have broken the immune reaction down and divided them based on specific activity. This definition allows us to describe the difference between. Type I IgE Medicated Hypersensitivity and Type II IgG mediated activity, and Type III driven by complement activation as well as Type IV Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity. While these descriptions are not wrong, they are not the whole picture. While it is true IgE and IgG maintain distinct activity, it is also true that IgG, particularly type 1-3 will increase the activity of IgE. Patterns of immune response can be seen for other reasons as well. For example, someone who is in general, more up regulated in terms of IgE reactions, may be low in sIgA. A decrease in sIgA creates a deficiency in a first line of defense, the 85% of the immune system that lines the mucosa. Because of this low level of defense or sIgA, the immune system works to compensate. One ways the immune system will compensate is by up regulating IgE activity, relying on a higher level of response in that pathway to overcome short comings created by low sIgA. When we look at various immunoglobulin’s responses together, rather than in isolation, we will get a deeper understanding into what is truly happening with immune function.