Perry Fisher
Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center, USA
Perry Fisher is an Internal Medicine resident at the Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. Born and raised in Queens, New York, Fisher attended an accelerated B.S./ M.D. program at the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education. He completed his clinical medical school training at Albany Medical College. Along the way, Fisher performed clinical research, presented at multiple conferences and lectures, published works, and amassed several awards honoring his work. Fisher now practices inpatient medicine at Beth Israel Hospital, and maintains outpatient privileges at the Ryan NENA Community Health Center – serving the underserved population of New York City’s Lower East Side. He has a passion for the art of Cardiology, and aspires to specialize in Cardiovascular Medicine.
Abstract : Pericardial effusion in the setting of takosubo cardiomyopathy