Samer Kassem
Centro Cardiologico Monzino, in Milan
Samér Kassem is a cardiac surgeon who works at Centro Cardiologico Monzino, in Milan.
He was born in Siria, where he had spent the first years of his life, between the cities of Latakia and Damascus. His working experience began with General Surgery. During that period he performed a lot of procedures, showing great competence. He then attended the Cardiac Surgery Program and took part to both adult and pediatric surgery. Once he migrated to Italy, he associated with the best trained surgeons at the most specialized centres of the North of the Country. In this way, he improved and refined his skills in both surgical practice and scientific research. Since 2004 he stably operates at Centro Cardiologico Monzino, where he found the excellence in Cardiac Surgery and, most of all, the opportunity to develop new personal surgical techniques in different fields. In fact, doctor Kassem has large and deep experience and knowledge and also a vivid interest in mitral and aortic valve surgery, aortic arch surgery, surgery of the ascending aorta and surgery of left ventricular aneurysms and, finally, coronary surgery. He has recently approached hypertrophic cardiomiopathy and its surgical management.
Kassem is also a talented oil painter. After studying art in Damascus, he has had the possibility to blend two different cultures, the Syrian and Italian one, once he moved to Italy. He had recently performed his last exhibition in an historical place along the Adda river, near Milan, where the “genius” Leonardo DaVinci left important traces of his amazing and all-life-long lasting work